CoreTactic LLC Coaching Engagement Agreement
As a client, I understand and agree that:
1. Professional coaching is a process that is focused on helping you through a transition. Maybe a new job, a new resume, executive coaching, and/or starting a business. During our work together, CoreTactic cannot 100% guarantee that we will be able to help you reach all your goals. We can guarantee that we will provide you with the best advice possible, based on your situation and we will support you through this process.
2. I am fully responsible for my participation during my coaching sessions, including my attention to detail and choosing which advice to follow.
3. I am aware that I can choose to discontinue coaching at any time and that coaching is not intended as medical advice. And I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold my coach harmless from and against all liability and expenses in connection with claims for damages of any nature arising from coaching.
4. Professional coaching is not mental health counseling, treatment for substance abuse, or promoting expertise/advice. I understand that my coach is not functioning as a licensed mental health professional and coaching is not intended as a replacement for counseling, psychiatric interventions, treatment for mental illness, recovery from past abuse, professional medical advice, financial assistance, legal counsel, or other professional services.
5. Coaching can involve but not be limited to brainstorming, values clarification, the completion of written assignments, education, goal setting, identifying plans of action, accountability, making requests, agreements to change behavior, examining lifestyles, and questioning, among other activities.
Coaching is most effective when both parties are honest and straightforward in their communication.
6. Coaching will be an ongoing relationship that might take several months, although either party can terminate at any time. The sessions will be facilitated via virtual meeting software such as Google Meet.
7. Coaching is a confidential relationship, and the coach agrees to keep all information strictly confidential, except in those situations in which I provide my written consent, or if such confidentiality would violate the law (e.g., jeopardize the safety of the client or others). In these cases, your communications may be disclosed to appropriate state law enforcement authorities.
8. If needed, I can reschedule my session by contacting my coach via [email protected] at least 2-hours prior to my scheduled sessions. Otherwise, I recognize this session will be counted toward the terms of my coaching agreement.
9. I am responsible for organizing my time to meet with my coach at the appointed time. If I have not called in five minutes of the scheduled time, my coach will wait online for an additional 5 minutes and then cancel the appointment. If the client does not notify the coach within 2 hours of the appointed time, the client will be responsible for billing at the agreed upon rate. I will do my best to make all appointment/calls on time. If I know I will be late for any reason, I will let my coach know ahead of time.
10. If at any time, I choose to cancel services payment may still be required, depending on need of cancellation and previously agreed upon parameters of termination. I have read and agreed to the above terms of this engagement.
11. We offer a full 100% money back guarantee, if the refund is requested in email to [email protected] within the first 7 days after the very first purchase as a new client.
12. CoreTactic may sell or provide you with an assessment, the use of these assessments and how their are interpreted does required an expert. Use at your own caution if you do not engage with CoreTactic to provide analysis and audit.
At CoreTactic, we coach the best and brightest on their journey towards meaningful and fulfilling careers and business goals. Transition your career, start a new business, find fulfillment, and get ahead with a professional coach.
Office, Call and Text
(952) 452-1306
Monday - Thursday 7am - 7pm CST
Friday 9am - 3pm CST
Saturday 9am - 3pm CST
© 2025 CoreTactic LLC - All Rights Reserved.