
Career Coaching

Welcome to Career Coaching with CoreTactic by Nick Rustad, our founder.

Welcome to the CoreTactic Career Coaching Service

Book Your Career Coaching Session Now!

Gain personalized advice, support, and resources from our professional career coaches to help you achieve your career goals and success. We will discuss your current role, and review all of your paperwork. Then we will discuss salary, benefits, and other considerations.

How it Works

1. Let’s start with a free intake meeting

2. Your coach will send you a proposal, and invoice

3.  Your coach will send you an assessment prior to your first session

4.  During the first session we will review the assessment and the documentation you provided.

5.  Based on this data, we will formulate a plan together. Either an IDP – individual development plan or a roadmap.

6.  We break up the work, and you will receive homework. Coaching is an active process, and we are both going to be busy.

7.  Determine goals

8.  Break down the steps.

9.  Your coach will check on you, you may need a tune up, and we are here.

All the topics you can discuss with your career coach:

Work/life balance, career growth, setting boundaries at work, communication skills, performance coaching, and everything else in between.

Career Growth

Our career coaching will help you set and achieve your career goals, develop your skills, and reach new heights in your professional life.

Setting Boundaries at Work

Struggling with maintaining a work/life balance?

Communication Skills

Effective communication is key in both personal and professional relationships.

Performance Coaching

Are you struggling with reaching your full potential in your career?

Work/life balance

Are you struggling with stress and work/life balance?

mental fitness

Are you in a fog at work?

Upskilling and career change

Do you want to change industries?

New Manager coaching

Are you new to management? We can help get you prepared to succeed!

Personalized Career Coaching Sessions

Our personalized career coaching sessions will help you reach your professional goals and find the career of your dreams.

Salary Negotiation is Critical

Do you know the salary you need to sustain you and your family? Salary is always a sticking point, especially if you actually know what you are work. With our team of expert career coaches and additional resources, you’ll have all the support you need to reach your career goals.

List of Features for Career Coaching

Discover the tools and resources we offer for your career success.

Personalized Coaching Sessions

Our one-on-one sessions help you set and reach your career goals.

Tailored Career Planning

We assist you in identifying and following the best path for your career.

Professional Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn Review

We provide expert review and improvement of your resume and LinkedIn page.

Client Testimonials

Don’t just take our word for it, hear from our satisfied clients about their experience with CoreTactic’s career coaching service.

How our coaching process can help you reach your career goals.

Through our free consultation, individual coaching sessions, personalized Individual Development Plan, and a strategic career approach, we will assist you with finding a fulfilling job that can lead to an amazing career.

Frequently asked questions

About our Career Coaching service

Find answers to common queries about our professional career coaching service.

How do I book a career coaching session?

To book a career coaching session, simply place view the Our Packages page, select Hourly, and complete your purchase. The form will also schedule the appointment. We also provide a career assessment, new resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn page with our service with no additional cost.

Who are your career coaches?

Our career coaches are highly qualified professionals with years of experience in career development. They come from various industries and backgrounds, giving them the expertise to guide clients from a diverse range of career fields. Vew Our Team page to learn more.

Will my coach provide additional resources after the session?

Yes, your career coach will provide you with additional resources tailored to your goals and interests. They will also follow up with you after the session to provide ongoing support and guidance in your career journey.


Reach out to us for career coaching and guidance.


Minnetonka, MN 55305

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